Miri upcoming hotspot:

Capital Commercial Park

why Capital commercial park@Miri?

Let's Go Capital!!

Capital is the first lifestyle-focused commercial centre along Miri Bypass, benefiting from the promise of outstanding connectivity and its intended vision of mixed commercial uses.

Capital is situated at the main route of the Pan Borneo Highway connecting Sarawak, Sabah, and Brunei, surrounded by mature residential and industrial precincts.

For entrepreneurs and investors seeking long-term growth, Capital definitely possesses foreseeable, significant commercial possibilities.

Start From RM1.2M

km from Boulevard Shopping Mall
km from Eastwood Valley Golf club and hospital
km from Miri international airport
UNITS (All Phase)

Luxury , Location and Convenience

According to The Greater Miri Development Plan 2030, Miri City is set to being transformed into an economic hub and smart city that provides support services and facilities to the people. 

Capital is well positioned to serve as the regional commercial hub connecting existing neighbourhood such as Permyjaya, Senadin, Airport and Riam areas to this new point of convergence and eventually becoming a popular destination for both Miri’s steadily expanding population as well as tourists from Brunei and Sabah.


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